
Happy New Year and New You!

Since it’s the beginning of a New Year, it’s a great time to rethink what is holding you back from your best self and best life experiences.

What old habits, patterns, beliefs and conditioning are keeping you stuck?

It’s easy to look outside ourselves and blame others for our limitations, but the reality is, we are doing it to ourselves.

In the image above I want to illustrate that however you burn your energy, give yourself to the world, it should flow back to you and fill you back up! … not deplete you. Otherwise, you are empty, “giving it all away” and have little left for yourself and joy.

So, here are 6 Things to Stop to Get Your Life Back Now. Start on any one of them and start repatterning your habits to be more loving, giving and nurturing to yourself first, so that you have so much more to give, easily and effortlessly.

  1. Perfectionism. Does being or trying to be perfect cause you stress? Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. Really! No one cares. Unless you’re Martha Stewart and get paid for it, and it comes naturally and joyfully to a person like her, let it go.
  2. Trying to please everyone. Who are you if you aren’t trying to be the superhero in others people’s lives? Have you noticed that even when you’re great at people pleasing, others aren’t necessarily “pleased” anyway?! Stop. You cannot make another person happy. And, no one can make you happy. For those who you do uplift, enjoy them and support them. For those who uplift you, spend more time with them.
  3. Fearing change. Change is the only guarantee we have. Everything changes constantly. Resisting change only sets you up for stress and struggle. Lean into your life, make and let changes happen with less resistance and see how much more good and joy you bring into your life. Plus, fearing change sets you up to procrastinate. Procrastination creates guilt, fear, worry, stress and stops all joy and forward movement.
  4. Living in the past. We can’t change the past. Let go of resentments, grudges, old negative feelings and grief. Move into your present and look forward to a better future. Holding onto the past is a choice. If you just cannot get unstuck, seek professional help. (See below)
  5. Putting yourself down. Putting yourself down depletes your self worth and self esteem. Stop. It is no good to anyone. People around you get tired of it too, really. It’s not fun to be around someone who is self-deprecating all the time. If you have children, you are teaching them not to like you and worse, not to like themselves.
  6. Overthinking. If you overthink issues they are taking up much too much of your time and energy. They also create anxiety, sometimes paranoia and for sure drama. If you are around other overthinkers you have created your own untelevised Reality Show that is getting you nowhere. Overthinking and looping the same thoughts, usually negative thoughts, create a mental habit of doing it more until you can’t get out of it. Take conscious energy to stop the drama of overthinking as soon as you hear it. Calm your mind and add in positive thoughts, or no thoughts, to start transforming the mental habits for good.

Take your life back this year! Stop doing the things that create drama and stress in your life. It will be transformative. If you truly want to have a better you in this New Year, these are great places to start.



Are you stuck and can’t seem to move past your situation? I offer Priority Coaching by phone to help people move through stuck places. Email me at kim@formulasforfreedom.com to request information and discuss your needs.



Need a Formula for Freedom? Ask your questions about stress, time and life management in the comment section, Facebook or Twitter (See icons above) and I’ll answer them ON AIR, which will then be posted in recorded shows at http://www.formulasforfreedom.com/radio-show/

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